Professional interpreters – for video conferences, in-person and hybrid events

wort-wahl provides full-service interpreting for every occasion. Experts in successful communication across languages and cultures, our team delivers exceptional quality interpreting services and state-of-the-art technology for multilingual events of all sizes.
From large-scale conferences to small group meetings and delegations, we organize solutions that meet your unique needs.

We support a variety of event formats – in-person, hybrid and online. Our remote interpreting solutions, which include streaming productions and video dubbing, give our clients an expanded reach and allow them to connect across languages and continents.

We’re there where you need us – nationwide in Germany, throughout Europe and internationally. Our services are available in English, French, Spanish and Russian, as well as non-European languages such as Arabic, Chinese and more.

For more than 20 years, renowned companies and organizations have turned to us for superior interpreting services. Our expertise, enthusiasm and dedication to excellence ensure successful communication, every time.

From our offices in Cologne, Bonn and Münster, we look forward to being of service.

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Erfahrene Simultandolmetscher:innen für zahlreiche Sprachen. Überall.

Wir organisieren Simultandolmetscher und Simultandolmetscherinnen mit der passenden Dolmetschtechnik für all Ihre Events und Produktionen. In vielen verschiedenen Sprachen und auf höchstem Niveau. Schnell, zuverlässig, engagiert.

Wir dolmetschen in gängigen europäischen Sprachen wie Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch oder Portugiesisch ebenso wie in außereuropäischen Sprachen wie Arabisch, Chinesisch oder Japanisch, um nur einige zu nennen. Auch nicht-landessprachliche Kombinationen wie Englisch <> Chinesisch oder Englisch <> Französisch gehören selbstverständlich zu unserem Repertoire.

Sei es an einem Standort in Deutschland, im Ausland oder per Videokonferenz: Unsere Simultandolmetscher:innen sind da, wo Sie uns brauchen. Wir sind mit Engagement und umfassender Fachkenntnis präsent und sorgen für gelungene Verständigung.

Professionelle Simultandolmetscher für alle Veranstaltungsformate

Sie suchen Simultandolmetscher für ein bestimmtes Veranstaltungsformat? Prima, bei uns werden Sie fündig. Wir dolmetschen bei einer Vielfalt von Anlässen. In Präsenz, online oder hybrid.

  • Aufsichtsratssitzungen
  • Begleitdolmetschen auf Reisen
  • Delegationsreisen (Study Tours)
  • Europäische Betriebsräte
  • Fachtagungen und -kongresse
  • Firmenjubiläen und Feierlichkeiten
  • Großveranstaltungen
  • Jahrestagungen
  • Kundenveranstaltungen
  • Managementtagungen
  • Podiumsdiskussionen
  • Pressekonferenzen
  • Produktpräsentationen
  • Seminare, Schulungen, Trainings
  • Town Hall Meetings
  • TV und Live-Events
  • Verhandlungen
  • Vertriebstagungen

Ihr Format ist nicht dabei? Sprechen Sie uns an. Vermutlich war nur kein Platz mehr in der Liste. Schauen Sie gerne auch in unsere Referenzen.


Ihr sucht für eure Veranstaltungen eine Dolmetschagentur mit Herz und Verstand? Zuverlässig und erfahren, zugleich unkompliziert und mit Spaßfaktor? Willkommen bei wort-wahl!

KI Dolmetscher

Kann künstliche Intelligenz simultan dolmetschen? Wo liegen Stärken und Schwächen eines KI-Dolmetschers? Paul Avatar klärt diese und andere Fragen.

Das sagen unsere Kunden

“Thanks again for the great cooperation last Thursday. Also client gave us feedback: ‘The workshop was a complete success, the interpreter did a very good job. We had the feeling that the participants felt very comfortable.’”

Sissy Koch

Rödl & Partner | Asset Controlling

‘The teamwork with you was perfect. We will enjoy returning to you more often.’

Andreas Hofstätter

Director Sales & Marketing Germany, Austria, Italy | Luxury Life MAGAZINE

‘At the end of the meeting, there was major applause for the two interpreters and the technician for their performance. We were very satisfied with the interpreting and technical support! We will gladly contact you again the next time we need interpreters.’

Natascha Zingel

Assistant to the Academy Director | Thomas-Morus-Akademie Bensberg

‘The seminar was a delight. The coaches were impressive and accommodating, permitting us to introduce topics of our own and to deal with them in helpful, practical exercises.’

Jürgen Betz

Business Partner Manager | Siemens Industry Software GmbH & Co. KG

‘A particularly positive feature was the small number of participants and their diverse composition. This made it easy for everyone to relax and speak openly about problems of intercommunication in career life.

Francisco-José González

Head of Corporate Property and Reinsurance | Bayer AG

‘The seminar left welcome latitude for each participant’s own career situation, along with the individual communicative challenges involved. I returned home with lots of helpful and practical inspiration for my everyday work.’

Dr. Ilkamarina Kuhr

Theological Advisor | Münster

‘Karin Rademacher interprets eloquently and in superior style, thanks not least to her extensive expertise and highly developed sensitivity. Even in unforeseen situations, she has proven herself absolutely unflappable. An interpreter in service of the matter at hand, to whom you very much enjoy listening.’

Prof. Dr. Josef Sayer

(former) Director General, Misereor

‘(…) You and your team are impressive indeed, not only for your outstanding interpreting services and expertise but also for your organisational strength and initiative. For us as a host of a major event, this is a fundamental added value. I enjoy working with you and will always recommend you to others. For services on all things relating to interpreting, wort-wahl is our first choice (…)’

Dr. Martin Stauch

Managing Director | 99. Deutscher Katholikentag | Regensburg

‘The interpreters did a splendid job. They were very dedicated, and it was great fun having the lectures translated by them. After all, the content was not very simple, such as e.g. the mechanism and composition of our product, production methods, etc. I look forward to continuing to work with you and your team.’

Christine Bornemann

Associate Global Brand Manager | Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH